Singing Guide: Carlos Rigual

Singing Guide: Carlos Rigual

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Carlos Rigual

Carlos Rigual is a famous singer known for his baritone voice and romantic ballads. His unique vocal technique incorporates elements of classical singing, Latin music, and traditional ballads. In this article, you'll learn how to master his distinctive vocal style and perform his most beloved songs with confidence.

Analyzing Your Voice

Before you start singing like Carlos Rigual, it's crucial to analyze your own voice. Determine your voice type and range, so you know which songs suit you best. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that compares your range with Carlos Rigual and other famous singers.

Breathing Technique and Warm-Up

Like any good Singing Carrots student, we know breathing is crucial. Carlos Rigual's vocal style is all about projecting warmth and passion through his soulful baritone notes. In order to support these longer notes and bring his signature romantic ballads to life, he has developed a deep and expansive pushing breathing technique. To learn more, Singing Carrots offers a breathing basics article and a Farinelli breathing exercise video.

Vocal Registers

The cornerstone of Carlos Rigual's baritone vocal style is his use of the mixed voice. He navigates between his higher falsetto-like range and his lower range with ease and fluidity. To learn more about voice registers and vocal breaks, Singing Carrots offers a blog post.

Articulation and Phrasing

Carlos Rigual's romantic ballads are characterized by smooth phrasing and fluid vocal transitions. Pay attention to the tiny variations he employs to express specific emotions. To learn more about articulation and phrasing, Singing Carrots offers an articulation article and a finger bite articulation exercise video.

Song Repertoire

Carlos Rigual has a diverse repertoire featuring Latin and romantic ballads. Some of his most famous songs include "Lástima," "Noche de Ronda" and "Hasta la vista." Singing Carrots offers a song search tool that helps you find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.


Carlos Rigual's unique vocal style incorporates a wide range of techniques, from mixed voice registers to articulation and phrasing. By mastering these techniques, you can emulate his soulful baritone voice and perform his romantic ballads with confidence. Remember to analyze your own voice, practice proper breathing and vocal warm-up techniques, and explore his repertoire to find the perfect songs for your range and skill level. Thank you for reading, and happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.